

Excess Casualty provides coverage solutions to protect a wide array of businesses against potentially catastrophic losses.  With high capacity and exceptional program design flexibility, we build strong unified towers of liability protection in an attempt to meet the sophisticated needs of different types of corporate clients.

Products sold:


For these products there are broader targets, however, the attachment will depend on the type of risk.  Excess lines entail claim severity exposures.  No adverse development recently.

Why the need for an Excess/Umbrella?

  • Liability exposures represent potential adverse losses resulting from a claim or a lawsuit against a person or a business for alleged wrongdoing, even if the client is an outstanding citizen or businessmen with no past history of this type of events.
  • The rise in number of lawsuits and size of verdicts and settlements impose a heavy financial burden on any business, large or small.
  • Will be the main line of defense in today's increasingly litigious society as it will provide both higher and additional limits of coverage over primary policies.
  • From the viewpoint of the Insurer, a policy is needed because of the challenges in managing the exposures of liability losses.  The challenges include balancing market competitive pricing versus avoiding adverse selection - while meeting the needs of the Insured.