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Why Choose AIG for Casualty?

Global Casualty provides comprehensive commercial liability insurance and risk management solutions to clients throughout Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.  Casualty encompasses products for general liability, automobile liability, employer’s liability (Employer's Stop Gap Endorsement), commercial umbrella, and product recall.

We offer leading policy forms and products, multinational coverage, and market-leading capacity - all backed by expert risk consulting, data analytics and dedicated claims management worldwide.  We provide tailored casualty insurance solutions for local and multinational organizations of all sizes.

AIG Casualty Solutions

General liability insurance is designed to protect businesses from the claims costs arising from accidents, injuries, and property damage sustained by third parties as part of regular business operation. Companies of all sizes and industries need sound protection against these traditional exposures, as well as more complex exposures such as products liability, personal and advertising injury, which may occur during regular business operations.


Features & Benefits

  • Customized solutions for clients of various sizes
  • Broad underwriting expertise and appetite for risks in virtually any industry
  • A broad network of underwriters, claims and loss control consultants including dedicated units specializing in construction, energy, real estate and transportation
  • Primary coverage for bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury and personal injury
  • The policy also covers legal defense costs in case of lawsuits arising from a covered loss.


Employer’s Liability Coverage—Stop Gap Endorsement

Additional coverage that can be added to a Commercial General Liability policy to cover indemnities to employees , their family or their beneficiaries in case of bodily injury or death sustained as a result of a work accident.


Specialized Coverage

Enhancements available for industry-specific exposures, including building services contractors, financial institutions, government contractors, real estate, and retail, amongst others.

Excess Casualty provides coverage solutions to protect a wide array of businesses against potentially catastrophic losses.  With high capacity and exceptional program design flexibility, we build strong unified towers of liability protection in an attempt to meet the sophisticated needs of different types of corporate clients.


Products sold:

  • Excess Liability Policy
  • Umbrella Liability Policy

For these products there are broader targets, however, the attachment will depend on the type of risk.  Excess lines entail claim severity exposures.  No adverse development recently.


Why the need for an Excess/Umbrella?

  • Liability exposures represent potential adverse losses resulting from a claim or a lawsuit against a person or a business for alleged wrongdoing, even if the client is an outstanding citizen or businessmen with no past history of this type of events.
  • The rise in number of lawsuits and size of verdicts and settlements impose a heavy financial burden on any business, large or small.
  • Will be the main line of defense in today's increasingly litigious society as it will provide both higher and additional limits of coverage over primary policies.
  • From the viewpoint of the Insurer, a policy is needed because of the challenges in managing the exposures of liability losses.  The challenges include balancing market competitive pricing versus avoiding adverse selection - while meeting the needs of the Insured.

We offer customized casualty solutions focused on the standard and specialized insurance needs of a variety of transportation risks, from trucking operations of all sizes to commercial business fleets.



Business Auto

Commercial auto insurance policy that provides coverage for physical damages and public liability, amongst others.  Applies to all types of transportation vehicles for commercial use.

Motor Carrier, including MCS 90 Endorsement

(Federal mandated coverage for certain regulated motor carriers)

Supplementing the Business Auto policy, this endorsement ensures that the hauler complies with the regulations established by the federal law in the event of an accident regarding required limits and coverages.  The endorsement is mostly required to hazardous materials haulers. 


  • Retail Businesses
  • Service Business
  • Manufacturing
  • Corporate Fleets
  • Trucker’s Fleet


Casualty Programs Customized to Your Transportation Business

  • AIG works closely with our brokers and their clients to develop custom casualty solutions  the transportation industry requires.
  • We work with clients to design standard and specialized casualty programs in order to minimize the lack or duplicity of coverages to the extent practical, minimizing exposures, and reducing claims and overall loss costs.
  • Our underwriters deliver broad underwriting expertise and appetite for a full spectrum of transportation risks.

We provide various environmental related insurance produts to cover our insureds from their responsibility arising from contamination affecting third parties, as part of their operations.


Pollution Legal Liability (PLL)

Pollution Legal Liability (PLL) policy is intended to provide Pollution Liability coverage for environmental risks associated with the ownership/lease of property or operating a facility or site.  PLL may apply to almost every industry that owns, leases o acquires real estate.


  • Food & Beverage Production
  • Shopping Centers
  • Manufacturers
  • Phamaceutical
  • Chemical Distributors
  • Logistics
  • Laboratories/Hospitals
  • Ports


Contractor's Pollution Liability (CPL)

Contractor's Pollution Liability (CPL) policy is a contractor-based policy that provides third-party coverage for bodily injury, property damage, defense, cleanup, and related defense costs as a result of pollution conditions arising from a contracting operations performed by or on behalf of the contractor.

Target Markets

  • Consulting Firms (Engineering)
  • Construction
  • Service & Maintenance
  • Environmental Remediation

AIG’s Contaminated Product Insurance (CPI) policy is designed to protect companies against the financial loss caused by a product contamination, whether accidental or malicious. This product is designed mostly to insure food and beverage industries, in the following categories, regardless of their size or annual revenue, provided they meet certain minimum underwriting criteria.

  • Importers
  • Manufacturers
  • Private Label owners
  • Contract Manufacturers
  • Distributors and Retailers

Our Contaminated Product Recall Insurance can help manage the effects of product recall through the key expenses coverage that gives you the protection you need.  Also, ur consulting services by experiences public relators (recognized worldwide) will guide you through the first and most critical weeks after the product recall. 


Covered Risks

We provide coverage for the following incidents:


Accidental Contamination

Accidental contamination of an insured product resulting from production, preparation, manufacture, packaging or distribution and that could cause physiological injuries, damage to property or adverse advertising of your brand.

Malicious Alteration of Product

Intentional, malicious or illegal alteration of your insured product.

Threat or Extortion

A threat sent to the insured by extortion mode to commit a malicious alteration to your product with the purpose to obtain money, property or services.

Coverages Include:

  • Recall costs
  • Replacemet costs
  • Redistribution costs
  • Business Interruption
  • Recuperation expenses
  • Extortion costs
  • Consulting Costs


Local expertise

AIG has the largest specialized CPI underwriting team in the world, combining global expertise with a local perspective on the risks facing the food and beverage industry. AIG offers world class coverage delivered in local language forms, adapted to each market.

Dedicated claims team

AIG has outstanding underwriting expertise, best in class loss prevention, and a highly experienced, dedicated claims team.

Exclusive best in class crisis management support

AIG clients have 24/7 exclusive access to a worldwide network of top class crisis management consultants. AIG clients have direct access to leading food safety, security and public relations consultants to help them make the best decision in managing a contamination event.